The things you do on tour…
Eat way too much junk food, stay in odd places, drink too much red wine, find yourself watching an old episode of thunderbirds at some unearthly hour of the morning and, best of all, take embarrassing photos of leading alpaca breeders for future blackmail purposes…
But enough of that, back to the show.
A good day yesterday, a first and a fourth with our first two animals.
First up today was James with Illustrious, a light fawn junior that I’m really excited about
A tough class with some good competition and….. Drum Roll…. A first! A great result and she’s probably booked herself a ticket to the nationals in October.
Next, a bit of light relief. I blogged earlier in the year about our first appaloosa. A complete surprise to us all when he arrived from a line that is solid on both sides.
Well, spotties are a growing thing – they’re getting more and more popular and this little boy has got a very fine and well defined fleece, so, why not…
Another first! This is getting silly.
Interesting though that the line-up for the 'fancy' championship, which, of course, was won by Ambersun Jag, were all spotties…
Expect another blog about him when it comes to shearing time – I’m really looking forward to seeing what’s there when his fleece comes off. on!